Una tonelada de lluvia

Daniel Reyes León

Daniel Reyes León has a degree in Art from the Catholic University and a Master’s degree in Art from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. It obtained the second Prize Young Art of MAVI and mining Escondida with the work Relatos para volver del desierto. His work has been exhibited in several exhibitions, including La Vida Privada del Agua (MNBA, 2010, Biennial of Video and New Media, 2012, CENTEX, 2012, Cargo Room, 2013, among others), A Velocidades tan Cercanas (Valencia, 2008), Treintaicinco Letras Desaparecerán (Different Peoples of Spain, 2008, 2009) and Falsas Expectativas (BACO, 2013). Founder of the digital magazine Arte y Critica (www.arteycritica.org) in 2003, he also contributes to the creation of Adrede Editora (www.adrededitora.cl), an editorial that since 2012 connects writings and visual arts.