Tiziana Panizza is a documentalist, researcher and teacher in the Film and Television department at the Universidad de Chile. She holds a Master in Art & Media Practice from the University of Westminster in London, England. Among her works is the experimental documentary Dear Nonna: a Film Letter (2005) that won prizes in various festivals, video art exhibitions, and experimental cinema and Tierra en movimiento (2014).. She has been involved in other areas of video, for example, she collaborated on the project Deja-Vu (2006) with the electroacoustic music duo Goliat, as well as the video-installation Vistiendo el Tiempo (2007). The most recent one is a series of five audiovisual pieces shown in the permanent collection of the Museum de la Moda y el Textil, Santiago. She has been working in television as a director and filmmaker making documentaries and cultural series for important Chilean and international channels.