Basco Vazko (Santiago de Chile, 1983) is a Chilean artist. His solo exhibitions include: “Post” at the Watermill Center (New York, USA, 2016), “Today is Friday and my body knows it” at the Die Ecke Contemporary Art Gallery (Santiago, CL, 2016), “Being does not mean anything” at the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library) of Chile (Santiago, CL, 2015), “We have nowhere to go” at the AFA Gallery (Santiago, CL, 2012), “Evas” at the Sala Zero in Animal Gallery (Santiago, CL, 2009), “Always” at the Industria Cultural (Santiago, CL, 2008), “Thursday Long Day” at the Fifty24SF Gallery (San Francisco, USA, 2008), “Sorrow, Tears and Roses” at the PDX Gallery (Portland, USA, 2008), and «Five Letters that say nothing» ‘at the Fifty24SF Gallery (San Francisco, US, 2006).