Diálogos (Proyecto Réplica)

Francisco Belarmino y Estefanía Muñoz


 Visual artists born in Illapel, candidates for Master in Research and Photographic Creation at the School of Arts of the University Finis Terrae. They have worked jointly since the middle of 2016, and have developed their work in various media, formats and materialities that account for a reflexive proposal based on a field work. They have participated in a residence in Italy run by Sinopsis Australis and have exhibited their work in Fondamenta Gallery in Rome. Estefanía is dedicated to cultural management in the IV Region, her audiovisual artistic work has been shown in the Microcine Room of the National Cineteca. On the other hand, Francisco has exhibited in various spaces in collective bodies, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art, the MNBA, as well as cultural centers and abroad. Currently, as a teacher, he teaches video workshops at the UNIACC and U. Diego Portales art schools.