Clickable poem@s

Luis Correa Díaz

Luis Correa-Díaz is a Corresponding Member of the Chilean Academy of Language, poet and professor of Digital Humanities and Human Rights at the University of Georgia-USA. He is author of several books and critical articles. Lately, stand out from his writting Novissima verba: huellas digitales/electrónicas/cibernéticas en la poesía latinoamericana (2017), Muestrario de poesía digital latinoamericana of AErea, Hispanic American Magazine of Poetry (2016) and the collective book Poesía y poéticas digitales/electrónicas/tecnos/New-Media en América Latina: Definiciones y exploraciones (Universidad Central, Bogota, Colombia, 2016). He wrote the poems  clickable poem@s (2016), Cosmological Me (2010), Mester singles (2006 and 2008), Diary of a newly divorced poet (2005), among other.