Raúl Ruiz



Raúl Ruiz was born in Puerto Montt (Chile) in 1941, and died in Paris (France) in 2011. He is one of the greatest exponents of Latin American cinematographic creation. Intellectual scholar and tireless, at first developed studies of law and theology. The university context of the end of the fifties generated in him an expressive thirst that channeled in what will be until today his fundamental passion: dramaturgy. Thus, with a prolific theatrical work (at the age of 21, he had written about one hundred titles), with a great number of creations in the field of novel and poetry, Ruiz built the cultural bases that would nurture his main passion, cinema. In 1960 he made his first medium-length film, The Suitcase. During this time also formed the intellectual movement «The Chanchos», with the poet Waldo Rojas and the writer German Marín. Later on, «The Ancient Knights», group that acted in the style of a brotherhood. After the premiere of his first feature film, Tres tristes tigres (1968), a film that in Chile called a public close to 30,000 people and led to the departure of Ruiz as a filmmaker, took a side by the socialist government of Salvador Allende, making a series of productions during the era of Popular Unity (Now we are going to call brother, Socialist Realism and White Palomita, among others).Between 1969 and 1972 he was in charge of the Chair of Cinema of the Institute of Art of the Catholic University of Valparaiso. In October 1973, once the military dictatorship began in Chile, Ruiz decided to go to Paris with his wife, also the Chilean film director Valeria Sarmiento. A few months after his arrival he made perhaps his most Chilean film: Diálogo de exiliados  (1974). This work came to close a cycle, because from now on Ruiz changed notoriously of style, leaving aside the costumbrista and ironic and opting for complex narrations with games of time and space. After the dictatorship in Chile, he returned periodically to the country. In these years began to realize diverse activities: he wrote novels, comics,  dictated conferences in universities. In his role as an essayist, he decided to put his ideas in writing in 1995, in his book Poética del Cine. In addition to continuing to work actively in his fruitful film production, Ruiz held lectures and seminars at universities around the world